How to Promote a Healthy Work-Life Balance

2 min read

The start of a new year is a time for reflection and feeling motivated to make changes. For some people, this can include thinking about changing jobs if they’re unhappy with their current situation. Considering 72% of people consider work-life balance an important factor for selecting a job (Statista), it makes sense to ensure your company is promoting this.

So how can your company help your employees find and maintain a work-life balance that’s right for them? Here we look at a few ideas that you can adopt to help support your staff.

working mum

Flexible working

The last couple of years have opened many employers’ eyes to the benefits of flexible working. With more employees having to work from home, employers have been forced to trust their teams to work remotely and have seen that trust rewarded.

Employees place a lot of value on knowing they can be at home to let the plumber in when the boiler unexpectedly breaks or can finish early for a doctor’s appointment, safe in the knowledge that they’re trusted to still get their job done.

Encourage downtime

Taking regular breaks from staring at a computer screen is essential for improving concentration and productivity. Whether that be to enjoy a coffee with a colleague, go for a walk or take a moment to practice mindfulness.

Send an email with top tips of things to do with a 10-minute break, or even send a gift such as a coffee gift card or a mindfulness journal. Encouraging taking time out will show your staff you’re serious about their work-life balance and they will therefore feel more positively towards your business.

Focus on productivity

Working longer hours does not always equal getting more done. You can find that employees are putting in lots of overtime but, because they’re more tired due to not getting enough rest-time, they’re not able to concentrate in that time.

If your company culture encourages your employees to work longer hours, instead encourage them to work more efficiently. This will not only lead to better work quality from your employees but will keep morale high too.

Keep in touch

Regularly sitting down with your employees to review their workload gives you a great opportunity to find out who is overworked and stressed, and who has more capacity to take on new projects.

This helps to build a culture of communication within the company so employees feel more able to approach their managers when they’re starting to feel overwhelmed by their workload. They can also feel able to speak up when they have spare capacity without fearing they’ll then be overburdened.

wellness at work

Promote healthy living

Sitting at a desk all day can lead to stiffness and back problems. At the other end of the scale, being on your feet all day can lead to feet & leg pain. It’s important that your employees take time to look after themselves and that you encourage them to do so.

You could offer discounts at a local gym or you could arrange for a personal trainer to come into the office every week to hold fitness classes. Alternatively, you could send your team wellbeing gifts with wellness products such as bath products or sleep sets to encourage them to take some time out at home.

Lead by example

It’s all very well telling your employees that a work-life balance is important but you and your leadership team need to practice what you preach.

Don’t send emails outside of office hours or expect employees to deliver projects in unrealistic timescales. If your team sees you logging off at 5pm to spend time with your family, they’ll believe that life outside of the workplace is important to you.

Ask your team what they need

If you’re not sure which of the above ideas will work best for your team, ask them!

It’s no good implementing a remote working policy if most of your team find working from home too lonely and would prefer to be in the office with their colleagues. Everybody is different so it’s important that you take your employees’ thoughts into account if you’re trying to achieve a happier workforce.

There are so many benefits to your business of a healthier work-life balance. Not only will your staff feel happier and be more productive but your company will earn a reputation for looking after employees and will attract & retain top talent.

If your company sees your people as its most valuable asset then you must support their work-life balance to see future success.