Creative Corporate Gifting Ideas

4 min read

Creative Corporate Gifting Ideas

Corporate Gifts Beyond Christmas and Birthdays to Impress and Inspire

When it comes to corporate gifts, most companies usually stick to typical occasions like Christmas, birthdays, and the occasional work anniversary. But in today’s fast-paced business world, it’s really important to think outside the box and find innovative ways to show appreciation to clients, partners, and employees.

Unsurprisingly, we’re big fans of gifts!

We’ve put together a list of occasions for business gifting beyond the usual celebration that is guaranteed to leave a lasting impression on the people who matter to your business. Our clients tell us how creative corporate gifts have helped boost employee engagement, improve staff retention, and help build strong relationships with clients.

Celebrating Professional Milestones with Thoughtful Corporate Gifts

Embracing A New Era Of Recognition And Gratitude

Recognising achievements in the workplace is more than just a formality. It’s about showing genuine appreciation for the hard work and successes of each individual and your team. Whether it’s a promotion, project completion, or sales target, these milestones provide an opportunity to truly value our team members. A thoughtful corporate gift in these moments not only boosts spirits but also helps create a culture of appreciation that everyone can be a part of.

This approach to recognition strengthens the bond between our team members and the company. It ensures that hard work and dedication are noticed and celebrated with genuine enthusiasm and sincerity. By marking these moments with carefully chosen business gifts, we demonstrate our commitment to our team’s growth and wellbeing.

Imagine the impact of receiving a personalised token of appreciation after leading a challenging project to success or hitting a career milestone. These moments of genuine recognition can boost morale, increase engagement, and create a loyal and motivated team. These gestures of appreciation can also spread throughout the company, setting a standard of excellence and encouraging everyone to strive for their best.

By embracing a thoughtful approach to recognition, you’re building a culture that truly values and rewards achievement, laying the groundwork for respect and loyalty that’s so important for long-term success and keeping teams happy.

Strengthening Professional Bonds with Thoughtful Gifts During Tough Times

It’s Not Always Sunshine And Rainbows
A Gift That Can Say A Thousand Words

Life and business are hard. We all know that feeling when you want to reach out to a colleague or client, but we don’t have words. Gifts can be a great way to send a token to let them know you and your company are thinking of them. Clients have sent our gifts after loss, grief, for illness, or to say they care.

It’s during these unexpected moments that we really see the strength of our professional bonds. Choosing the right corporate gifts can be a great way to show appreciation and recognise the hard work and dedication of our employees, clients, or partners during tough times. It shows you care about them on a human level. It’s more than just saying thanks—it’s about acknowledging each individual.

Picking a gift that reflects the individual or their personal journey during these times can make a significant impact, whether it’s a wellbeing gifts that supports their own self-care, something that brings comfort and joy, or even a box of snacks to keep them going throughout the day.

Thoughtful gestures show you’re committed to making genuine connections beyond surface-level appreciation. Expressing gratitude through corporate gifting can help strengthen our professional relationships during unexpected times when our normal work routines are disrupted.

Enhancing Employee Wellbeing and Mental Health Through Corporate Gifting

A New Way To Support Employee Wellbeing And Mental Health

In today’s corporate world, prioritising employees’ wellbeing and mental health is crucial. Companies are recognising the value of their workforce and are finding new ways to show they care. One such innovative and inclusive approach is through corporate gifting.

By providing gifts that aid in relaxation, stress reduction, and mental clarity, companies demonstrate their genuine concern for their team’s overall wellbeing. This not only supports employees but also cultivates a positive and happy work environment that enhances productivity. Imagine gifting employees with branded items that promote self-care, mindfulness, and physical and mental wellbeing. These gifts go beyond the usual and show genuine thoughtfulness about what improves employees’ lives at work and beyond.

This fresh approach to corporate gifting not only helps build a positive work culture but also strengthens the emotional bond between the company and its employees. By showing how much they value mental health and wellbeing through thoughtful gestures, businesses can create a motivated, engaged, and resilient workforce that’s ready to handle anything with confidence and support.

Sustainable and Socially Responsible Corporate Gifting

Gifts That Create A Wider Impact

In today’s world, it’s become increasingly important to consider the environmental and ethical impact of corporate actions carefully. That’s why the shift towards sustainable and socially responsible corporate gifting is not just commendable but absolutely necessary.

Choosing corporate gifts that align with these principles not only shows a company’s dedication to a healthier planet. It also resonates with a growing number of consumers and employees who deeply value these ideals in their professional relationships. This is especially present with Gen Z employees.

Opting for eco-friendly and ethically sourced business gifts is not just a thoughtful way for a company to express its values but also a reflection of a genuine commitment to promoting positive change. This commitment to sustainable and socially responsible corporate gifting is crucial for corporate decision-makers, as it aligns with the growing consumer and employee demand for ethical practices.

That’s not all.

Gifts can be a great opportunity to show your commitment to supporting others in need and giving back to charity. When we asked our clients, many reported one of the reasons they loved WellBox so much was that all gifts included a charitable donation made on their behalf.

Every WellBox gift you send has a positive impact on those in need. With each gift, a donation is made on your behalf through our charity partners. Your gift will either provide one meal to someone in need through our network of local food banks and homelessness charities or contribute £1 to the mental health charity Mind. We include a letter in each gift box to inform your recipients about the cause their gift has supported.

Our Goal Is To Create A Business Model Where Everyone Can Benefit

Boost Corporate Relationships with Industry-Specific Holidays and Awareness Day Gifts

Industry-Specific Holidays and Events or Awareness Days

Using a calendar to find industry-specific holidays and events is a fantastic way to boost your corporate relationships with a personal touch. Recognising these occasions strengthens connections and shows that you understand and appreciate the unique world your clients, employees, and partners are in. Whether it’s celebrating a tech innovation, an industry week that highlights achievements, or an awareness week or day that matches your company’s values, these events offer great chances to stand out and show your appreciation.

By taking advantage of these moments for corporate gifting, you’re going beyond the norm, showing a real connection and awareness for the people who matter most to your business. Just imagine the joy of receiving a carefully crafted gift that not only marks a significant day in the calendar but also shows the investment in the relationship.

We know companies like to send clients and employees gifts for Christmas. But what about the surprise of receiving a gift acknowledging International Women’s Day, Blue Monday, or Employee Appreciation Day?

Whether it’s a custom-branded gift that incorporates your branding and logo or a specially curated gift from one of our collections, the goal is to create an experience that’s as memorable as it is meaningful and makes a lasting impression.

These thoughtful gestures are more than just tokens; they are powerful tools for building lasting professional relationships internally with your employees and externally across your network of clients and prospects. Exploring holidays, events, and awareness days that align with your company’s values is an opportunity to create an impact outside the ‘noise’ of the major celebrations and serve as a reminder of your company and its commitment to its people.